A song by Faroese-Danish pop artist Mr. Conroy
Written & Produced by Remi Thomsen
Recorded by Kristian Dalsgaard at Ark Recording Studio
Mixed & Mastered by Kasper Sandbjerg Larsen at K mix
Track no. 5 from the album "Left behind"
Released on 9 November 2023
#1 - First instrumental Mr. Conroy song
Most Mr. Conroy songs have one or more instrumental themes and a vocal melodi. Song for Rasmus is a pure instrumental and was never intended to have vocals.
#2 - Title inspired by Elton John
Elton John released an (almost) instrumental song in 1978 called "Song for Guy". The song was about death and Elton John read about a Guy Burchett who died in a motorcycle crash. My song was about Rasmus, so the "song for..." model just fit perfectly.
#3 - Guitar theme written on piano
The theme was transformed to the guitar and Jens played it beautifully with a sound similar to the one that Rasmus used on his guitars. We doubled it by having the piano playing the same theme, which just felt right.
#4 - Piano/guitar contrast beween verse and chorus
The piano representing me handled the verses and the guitar representing Rasmus handled the chorus. The opposite of the lyrics in "Can't take anymore", where the perspective in the verse is Rasmus' and the chorus is mine.