A song by Faroese-Danish pop artist Mr. Conroy

Written & Produced by Remi Thomsen

Recorded by Kristian Dalsgaard at Ark Recording Studio

Vocals recorded by Jens V. Jakobsen at Imert Basement Studios

Mixed & Mastered by Kasper Sandbjerg Larsen at K mix

Track no. 4 from the album "Left behind"

Released on 9 November 2023



#1 - The chorus melody composed back in 1993

The chorus has been around since 1993 and has been matched with many verse melodies since. Finally a verse compiled by the harmony melody for the chorus made Remi think that now was the time to finalise the song. 

#2 - About not letting the past define your present

The point is that you should let your scars hount your or cover you, scars being past events.

#3 - Only transposition so far

Scars has a full scale Eurovision style transposition, I can say without shame or embarrasment. There is also a downwards tranposition which in my oppinion is stronger the the upwards one. 



How high
Does your bitterness have to raise you
Until your conscience starts to drain you

I work hard
but I’m not that good without you
and I’m always just about to


They sang about
How your scars will always haunt you
Or cover you if you want to

They told of times
(Of times) where all of our issues were gone for a while
And we settled and made up with a smile


Hold on
What's the point when it all comes down to nothing
But it all turns out to be something

And I'll see you
But it wont be where you left me
and I promise to be ready


They sang about
How your scars will always haunt you
Or cover you if you want to

They told of times
(Of times) where all of our issues were gone for a while
And we settled and made up with a smile

How high does it go

High hopes
Turned into failure of expectations
Cause I’ve been following your wrong directions

Lean on
that there somewhere will be some laughter
and I - I will forget her